Full Attendee Coverage Policy
TicketGuardian, herein referred to as the company, will pay you, herein referred to as the certificate holder, the benefits described within this policy.
Claims Process
In the event of a covered loss, the certificate holder can file a claim via claims.ticketguardian.net or by emailing claims@ticketguardian.net. The certificate holder must provide a claim form, invoice (proof of value), and any additional documents requested by the claims agent.
Benefit Payment
Company will pay non-refundable ticket cost, less any refunds, tax and shipping up to the limits specified on your policy.
Coverage Period
Coverage goes into effect after 24 hours from the time the tickets are purchased and remains in effect until the start of the event. If the event is within 24 hours, the coverage is effective immediately. The coverage provided only applies to the original date and time of the event at the time of purchase. *
The coverage has a limit of $2,500 for each certificate issued. coverage is issued on a per-ticket basis.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you will be reimbursed the full purchase price less the cost paid for this coverage.
Coverage is not available under this certificate for any of the following:
Event cancellation by the venue or promoter, unlawful acts committed by the certificate holder or their family members (covered or not), government intervention or regulation, terrorism, war, acts of war, epidemic, pandemic, pollution, threat of pollutant release, civil unrest, civil disorder, natural disasters.
Rescheduled events fall under the event cancellation clause; coverage only applies to the original date and time of the event. *
Ticket resale, ticket scalpers, ticket brokers, or other individuals and/or companies buying tickets in bulk are excluded from the coverage outlined herein, unless written authorization to do so has been specifically provided by TicketGuardian and it’s underwriters prior to the purchase of the tickets.
No claim can be made by any ticket scalper, broker, or individual the tickets are sold to. Coverage is non-transferable.
Coverage will not pay the diference for any promo code, specials, sales made by the venue should the ticket price be reduced after the purchase, or the ticket holder failed to enter a promo code.
Coverage Void
The certificate holder provides incorrect data or facts to company. The certificate holder uses the tickets for the event. The certificate holder gives, sells, or trades the tickets to another party.
The certificate holder uses the tickets for the event. The certificate holder gives, sells, or trades the tickets to another party.
The certificate holder gives, sells, or trades the tickets to another party.
If the original date of the event is canceled for any reason.
If the tickets are purchased by a ticket broker, ticket scalper, ticket reseller, or any like/similar individual and/or company, unless written authorization to do so has been specifically provided by TicketGuardian and its underwriters prior to the purchase of the tickets.
General Provisions
Covered peril must occur during the coverage period and be reported no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the date of the event.
No suit, action or proceedings for the recovery of any claim under this coverage shall be sustainable in any court of law or entity unless the respective action is commenced within twelve (12) months after discovery by the insured of the issue giving rise to the claim, provided however, that said time limitation is invalid by state law where this coverage is issued. In that case and such claim shall be void.
No authority is granted to any agent or person to alter, waive, modify, or make representations on any provisions of this certificate.
Any covered loss will be promptly paid to the certificate holder or their assignee upon completion of an executed claim.
Coverage will void upon discovery that the certificate holder misrepresented or concealed any material facts or circumstances, false accounts with or without the intent to deceive, relating to the claim filed, be it prior or following the covered peril.
The certificate holder agrees to take any and all actions possible to minimize additional loss from any covered peril.
Upon payment for covered peril, the underwriters shall be subrogated to all the rights of the certificate holder. The certificate holder specifically covenants and agrees to aid the company in all manners possible to aid in securing the reimbursement of said covered peril. In the event the covered peril is a result of fraudulent activity from an employee of the covered venue/event or cause of covered peril, the certificate holder will take action against the carrier and not hold company responsible for claims associated with said activity.
Upon settlement of a claim, the company assumes all rights to the full or remaining value of the ticket. The certificate holder is required, upon request of company, to surrender ticket to company. In the event the certificate holder uses tickets to attend event, the certificate holder must reimburse the company the amount paid in full for their claim immediately.
This agreement is between the company and the certificate holder. This paragraph sets forth the terms and conditions which apply to the use by you of the company intellectual property and any other subscription product or service offered for sale by the company and/or its affiliates. The right to use any product or service offered by company is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person or entity.
Company reserves the right to make changes to the company’s sites, policies, and these terms at any time without notice.
Claim Disputes
This certificate shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of California.
The parties agree that any and all claims or disputes arising out of the certificate or performance of the certificate shall be brought in Los Angeles county. The certificate holder agrees to indemnify and hold
The certificate holder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless company and its underwriters from any loss, liability, damage, or costs, including court costs and attorney fees that they may incur due to misreading, misunderstanding, and not following the coverage requirements as per this company certificate or as endorsed.
Coverage Period: time during which payment for occurrence of covered peril is available, beginning on the effective date, the date ticket with coverage was purchased, and ending on the termination date, the start time and date of the event that the coverage was originally purchased for.
Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Family Member: spouse, child, spouse’s child, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparents, grandchild, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, parents-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-inlaw, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guardian, ward.
Felonious Assault: intent to commit a serious crime, felony done with evil heart or purpose; malicious; wicked or villainous.
Pandemic: an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region, multiple continents, or even worldwide.
Refund: repayment of the sum or portion of money paid.
Ticket Broker: offering the resale of tickets through a brokering service.
Ticket Cost: the total paid for the ticket including tax, shipping and service fees.
ticket Resale: the act of reselling tickets for admission to events.
Ticket Scalper: an unauthorized ticket speculator who buys tickets to an event and resells them at inflated prices.
Terrorism: use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political, religious, ethnic purposes causing destruction of property, injury, or death.
Company: TicketGuardian and its agents.
Certificate Holder: all persons listed on the certificate.
California Residents: we are doing business in California as TicketGuardian
*Lanternfest ticket holders coverage extends to any rescheduled event within 10 days from the original event date. Extension does not apply for any other events unless specifically noted.
TicketGuardian, LLC Coverage Is Administered By Osis, Inc. #OG55434 And Its Underwriters
Standard Coverage Policy T&C’s
TicketGuardian, herein referred to as the company, will pay you, herein referred to as the certificate holder, insurance benefits described within this policy.
Claims Process
In the event of a covered loss, the certificate holder can file a claim at claims.ticketguardian.net or by emailing claims@ticketguardian.net. Certificate holder must provide claim form, invoice (proof of value), and any additional documents required by claims adjuster to substantiate loss. Claim must be filed no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of loss or no later than seventy-two (72) hours from the date of the event, whichever time limit applies first. Once the claim is filed, you have sixty (60) calendar days from the file date to furnish any required and/or additional documentation requested to substantiate the claim. Failure to provide the documentation within the sixty (60) day timeframe, unless otherwise agreed upon with the claims agent, will result in the claim being closed.
Benefit Payment
Company will pay non-refundable ticket cost, less any refunds, tax and shipping up to the limits specified on your policy.
Coverage Period
Coverage begins when the insurance is purchased and remains in effect until the start of the event the coverage was purchased for.
The coverage has a limit of $2,500 for each certificate of coverage issued. coverage is issued on a per-ticket basis.
California Residents: we are doing business in California as TicketGuardian
Florida Residents: primarily the law of a state other than Florida governs the benefits of the policy providing your coverage.
Covered Perils
Situations not enumerated herein are specifically excluded from the policy:
Delay of common carrier transportation that results in the certificate holder missing the event within forty-eight (48) hours of the event start date.
A mechanical breakdown of the certificate holder’s vehicle within forty-eight (48) hours of the event resulting in the non-use of the vehicle as transportation to the event.
The certificate holder or the certificate holder’s spouse is laid-off or terminated after three (3) consecutive years of employment through no action or fault of the certificate holder or certificate holder’s spouse. The termination must occur after coverage came into effect. Self employed workers, interns (internship positions) , volunteer work, or any unpaid position, does not qualify for coverage under this covered peril.
A death of the certificate holder’s family member within thirty (30) days prior to the date of the event.
Serious illness or serious injury to the certificate holder’s family member requiring the certificate holder to supply primary care. The family member is required to have an examination within seventy-two (72) hours of cancellation by a physician; it is required the physician advises the certificate holder to not attend the event. The physician performing the examination and providing the diagnosis may not be a family member. It is required the exam is performed by a disinterested third-party.
Unforeseen serious illness or serious injury to the certificate holder resulting in non-attendance of the covered event. The certificate holder is required to be examined within seventy-two (72) hours of cancellation by a physician; it is required the physician advises the certificate holder to not attend the event. The physician performing the examination and providing the diagnosis may not be a family member. It is required the exam is performed by a disinterested third-party.
Unforeseen serious illness or serious injury requiring hospitalization or is considered life threatening that occurs to a member of the certificate holder’s family after coverage came into effect. A physician must examine the certificate holder’s family member within seventy-two (72) hours of cancellation it is required the physician advises the certificate holder to not attend the event. The physician performing the examination and providing the diagnosis may not be a family member. It is required the exam is performed by a disinterested third-party.
Unforeseen severe weather conditions which result in the certificate holder being unable to attend the event. The certificate holder must be unable to reach the event by any common carrier method such as car, rail, air transport or due to intervention of authorities. If event is cancelled due to weather, the certificate holder will not qualify for coverage under this peril.
The certificate holder is requested for either jury duty, subpoena, or court order requiring the certificate holder to attend court the day the event is scheduled preventing the certificate holder from being at the event.
Fire, burglary, vandalism, flood, or natural disaster causes the certificate holder’s home to be uninhabitable after the coverage came into effect.
Fire, burglary, vandalism, flood, or natural disaster causes the certificate holder’s work to be unsuitable for normal business practice within forty-eight (48) hours of the event and after the coverage came into effect.
The certificate holder is involved in a traffic accident the day the event is scheduled which causes damaged to the automobile requiring repair to resume safe operation or injury to the certificate holder.
The certificate holder’s personal leave is denied if on active military duty; disciplinary reasons exempt from coverage.
The certificate holder is required to travel for work related purposes that conflict with the date the event occurs which would not allow the certificate holder to attend the event. To receive benefits, the certificate holder must provide proof of the conflict that occurred after the coverage was purchased. Benefit payment will only be made for a single ticket unless additional ticket(s) purchased were for a minor(s) under the age of 16 and they are directly related to the certificate holder. self employed workers, interns (internship positions) , volunteer work, or any unpaid position, does not qualify for coverage under this covered peril.
The certificate holder or certificate holder’s spouse is relocated 100 miles from primary residence by current employer.
The policy issued does not cover pre-existing known or unknown conditions, or foreseeable events that the certificate holder is, or was aware of prior to the purchase of the tickets. this includes conditions or events that are likely to occur.
Rescheduled events fall under the event cancellation clause; coverage only applies to the original date and time of the event.
Ticket resale, ticket scalpers, ticket brokers, or other individuals and/or companies buying tickets in bulk are excluded from the coverage outlined herein, unless written authorization to do so has been specifically provided by TicketGuardian and it’s underwriters prior to the purchase of the tickets.
No claim can be made by any ticket scalper, broker, or individual the tickets are sold to. coverage is non-transferrable.
Coverage will not pay the difference for any promo code, specials, sales made by the venue should the ticket price be reduced after the purchase, or the ticket holder failed to enter a promo code.
The below apply to both the certificate holder and certificate holder’s family members as relating to covered perils
Coverage is not available for any direct or indirect loss resulting from the following:
Stolen tickets, lost tickets, financial default, unlawful acts committed by the certificate holder or certificate holder’s family members (certificate holder or not), business obligations (not including the covered perils named above), contractual obligations, changes to personal plans, event cancellation by the venue or promoter for any reason (unless elected rider coverage selected), government intervention or regulation, terrorism, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, war, acts of war, epidemic, pandemic, pollution, threat of pollutant release, military duty (unless covered specifically), civil unrest, civil disorder, natural disasters (unless covered specifically) normal pregnancy, fertility treatments, childbirth or abortion (elective), unforeseen pregnancy complications, attempted suicide, pre-existing conditions, mental health disorders, nervous health disorders relating to: depression, anxiety, psychosis, and/or physical complications related thereof.
Coverage Void
If the certificate holder provides incorrect data or facts to company.
The certificate holder fails to provide notice of loss to the insurer within seventy-two (72) hours from the date of the event.
If the original date of the event is cancelled or rescheduled for any reason.
If the tickets are purchased by a ticket broker, ticket scalper, ticket reseller, or any like/similar individual and/or company, unless written authorization to do so has been specifically provided by ticketguardian and its underwriters prior to the purchase of the tickets.
General Provisions
Covered peril must occur during the coverage period and be reported no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the date of the event.
No suit, action or proceedings for the recovery of any claim under this coverage shall be sustainable in any court of law or entity unless the respective action is commenced within twelve (12) months after discovery by the certificate holder of the issue giving rise to the claim, provided however, that said time limitation is invalid by state law where this coverage is issued. In that case and such claim shall be void.
No authority is granted to any agent or person to alter, waive, modify, or make representations on any provisions of this certificate.
Claims must be submitted to the company no later than seventy-two (72) hours from the date of the event or within sixty (30) days from the date of loss, whichever time limit occurs first.
Any covered loss will be promptly paid to the certificate holder or their assignee upon completion of an executed claim.
Coverage will void upon discovery that the certificate holder misrepresented or concealed any material facts or circumstances, false accounts with or without the intent to deceive, relating to the claim filed, be it prior or following the covered peril.
The certificate holder agrees to take any and all actions possible to minimize additional loss from any covered peril.
Upon payment for covered peril, the underwriters shall be subrogated to all the rights of the certificate holder including whatever money may be recoverable. This payment excludes applicable deductible amounts corresponding to the claim settlement on account of said covered peril from and additional carriers, carrier’s employees or agents, or from any other person or corporation whatsoever. The certificate holder specifically covenants and agrees to aid the company in all manners possible to aid in securing the reimbursement of said covered peril. In the event the covered peril is a result of fraudulent activity from an employee of the certificate holder event or cause of covered peril, the certificate holder will take action against the carrier and not hold company responsible for claims associated with said activity.
Upon settlement of a claim, the company assumes all rights to the full or remaining value of the ticket. The certificate holder is required upon request of company to surrender ticket to company.
This agreement is between the company and the certificate holder. This paragraph sets forth the terms and conditions which apply to the use by you of the company intellectual property and any other subscription product or service offered for sale by the company and/or its affiliates. The right to use any product or service offered by company is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person or entity. Company reserves the right to make changes to the company’s sites, policies, and these terms at any time without notice.
Claim Disputes
This certificate shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of california.
The parties agree that any and all claims or disputes arising out of the certificate or performance of the certificate shall be brought in los angeles county.
The certificate holder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ‘company name’ and its underwriters from any loss, liability, damage, or costs, including court costs and attorney fees that they may incur due to misreading, misunderstanding, and not following the coverage requirements as per this ‘company name’ certificate or as endorsed
Accident: an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
Active military duty: full-time duty in the active military service of the united states.
Common carrier: licensed commercial entity that is for hire by air. vehicle rental companies, urban rail, subway service do not fall under this definition.
Coverage period: time during which payment for occurrence of covered peril is available, beginning on the effective date, the date ticket with coverage was purchased, and ending on the termination date, the start time and date of the event that the coverage was originally purchased for.
Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Family member: spouse, child, spouse’s child, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparents, grandchild, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, parents-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in- law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guardian, ward.
Felonious assault: intent to commit a serious crime, felony done with evil heart or purpose; malicious; wicked or villainous.
Financial default: failure to financially meet legal obligations or conditions resulting in suspension of operations.
Hospital: a fully licensed institution providing medical and surgical treatment. nursing home, long-term care and convalescent facilities do not fall under this definition when applied to this coverage.
Illness: a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind that starts during the coverage period resulting in a covered loss; not a pre-existing condition.
Injury: physical harm or damage to body as a result of an accident occurring on or after the effective date of this coverage and prior to the termination date. benefits for injury caused by sickness, infirmity or other bodily disease will not be paid.
Mechanical breakdown: a mechanical issue resulting in the inability of the vehicle being driven; a flat tire occurring on the way to the covered event requiring professional roadside assistance. definition does not extend to routine maintenance or running out of gas.
Normal pregnancy: a pregnancy void of any complications.
Pandemic: an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region, multiple continents, or even worldwide.
Physician: a person legally qualified to practice medicine. family member’s are excluded from this definition.
Pre-existing condition: a medical condition known or unknown occurring prior to the effective date of the coverage period.
Refund: repayment of the sum or portion of money paid.
Ticket broker: offering the resale of tickets through a brokering service.
Ticket cost: the total paid for the ticket including tax, shipping and service fees.
Ticket resale: the act of reselling tickets for admission to events.
Ticket scalper: an unauthorized ticket speculator who buys tickets to an event and resells them at inflated prices.
Terrorism: use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political, religious, ethnic purposes causing destruction of property, injury, or death.
Company: ticketguardian and its agents.
Certificate Holder: all persons listed on the certificate.
Severe Weather: extreme weather that poses immediate risks to life or requires the intervention of authorities. examples would be baseball sized hail, blizzard conditions causing road closures, hurricanes. this does not include such weather heavy snowfall with roads open, ice on roads, or abnormal heavy rain, unless intervention of authorities are involved.
TicketGuardian, LLC Coverage Is Administered By Osis, Inc. #OG55434 And Its Underwriters